Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit

Welcome to the Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit – your key to revolutionising your value chain with sustainable practices. In today's dynamic business landscape, sustainability isn't just a choice; it's a strategic necessity.

Elevate your business and drive positive change across your industry by empowering your suppliers with the knowledge and tools they need to embrace sustainability.
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What's included

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Develop a Net Zero Strategy

A roadmap to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by a target date.

Sustainability Fundamentals

Core concepts, principles, and practices for sustainable business operations.

Circular Economy Essentials 

Core concepts, principles, and practices of circularity.

Sustainability Maturity Assessment

Evaluation of current sustainability practices with personalised recommendations to take action.

ASRS Screening

Tool for understanding reporting obligations and identifying relevant sustainability metrics.

Why Invest in Supply Chain Education?

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Future-Proof Your Business

Ensure the longevity and resilience of your supply chain by integrating sustainable practices that optimise resources and minimise risks.

Elevate Your Brand

Enhance your brand reputation and attract discerning consumers who value companies committed to sustainability.

Stay Ahead of Regulations

Proactively address regulatory requirements by educating your suppliers on sustainability standards and expectations.

Drive Social Impact

Fulfill your corporate responsibility by promoting sustainability within your supply chain, benefiting both your business and the communities you serve.

Who Is This For

Tailored for large and mid-sized companies seeking to enhance collaboration, mitigate risks, and accelerate their transition to sustainable business models, the Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit is your catalyst for sustainable excellence.

Large Enterprises

Ideal for large organisations with extensive supply chains, seeking to drive sustainability initiatives and lead industry-wide change.

Mid-sized Companies

Tailored for mid-sized businesses aiming to enhance collaboration across their value chains and accelerate their transition to sustainable business models.

Supply Chain Managers

Essential for supply chain professionals looking to educate and empower their suppliers with sustainable practices and principles.

Corporate Leaders

Designed for corporate executives committed to integrating sustainability into their company's operations, strategy, and culture.

Why Choose Us

Crafted by sustainability experts, our toolkit offers tailored solutions to address the unique challenges within your supply chain. With actionable strategies, customisable content, and engaging materials, we provide the tools you need to make a tangible impact on your sustainability journey.


Harness the power of collective action by unlocking collaboration opportunities across your value chain.

Actionable Strategies

Practical, results-driven strategies for immediate implementation, ensuring measurable impact.

Customisable Solutions

Adapt the toolkit to your company's specific needs and requirements, maximising relevance and effectiveness.

Engaging Materials

From interactive modules to company maturity assessments, our toolkit makes sustainability learning informative and actionable.

Meet our team!

Meet the exceptional minds behind our impactful initiatives.

Our team at Evolveable brings together diverse expertise and a shared commitment to driving positive change. 

Ashley Olsson

 Director of Impact and Sustainable Solutions

Ashley, a Chartered Environmental Engineer and Sustainability Professional, brings almost two decades of sustainability expertise to Evolveable.

With a deep understanding of complex value chains on a global scale, Ashley focuses on integrating sustainability from the early stages of concept development and design. Whether collaborating with climate tech and circular start-ups or providing guidance to boards and executive committees, Ashley recognises the importance of balancing business strategy with sustainability goals.

 Active in the Standards Australia Circular Economy Committee, Ashley is dedicated to promoting impact-driven solutions by harnessing sustainability and circularity as innovative strategies to tackle worldwide challenges.

When not working, Ashley enjoys spending time with his two young beach-loving children.

Leela Dilkes-Hoffman

Circular Economy and Sustainability Lead Trainer
Originally from Margaret River, Leela has worked both in Australia and internationally to share the vision of a circular economy and support its implementation.

She holds a PhD in materials engineering from the University of Queensland and was the lead of the innovation team for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Plastics Initiative (a leading circular economy institute based in the UK).A major passion of Leela’s is ensuring that upstream innovation — rethinking the way we design products and services to deliver root-cause rather than band-aid solutions — is always front and centre in circular economy discussions.

She has experience working with a broad range of stakeholders, including large corporates, industry bodies, NGOs, start-ups and innovators to build the capacity and alignment needed to implement circular economy solutions.Leela now lives in Perth with her young family but makes regular trips back to Margaret River to get her trail-running and beach-combing fix.

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Join us in pioneering your company's sustainability journey. With the Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit, you're not just investing in materials – you're investing in a movement toward a greener, more sustainable future.
Courses included

Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit

At Evolveable Impact Academy, we understand the critical role suppliers play in the sustainability journey of any business. That's why we've created the Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit – your comprehensive guide to educating and empowering your supply chain partners on decarbonisation and sustainable practices.

Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit

Welcome to the Supplier Engagement Sustainability Toolkit by Evolveable Impact Academy – your key to revolutionising your supply chain with sustainable practices. In today's dynamic business landscape, sustainability isn't just a choice; it's a strategic necessity.

Elevate your business and drive positive change across your industry by empowering your suppliers with the knowledge and tools they need to embrace sustainability.

Minimum package - 20 suppliers
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