Board and Executive Climate Change Skills Competency Assessment

Dive into an assessment designed for board members and executives – the Board and Executive Climate Change Skills Competency Assessment. This unique tool addresses the essential but often overlooked gaps in climate literacy and strategic capabilities at the leadership level.

Developed after extensive global discussions, it sheds light on key challenges faced by boards, providing a personalised report that serves as a benchmark for personal climate competency, strategic capabilities, and governance abilities. 

Tailored for board members and senior leaders, it offers a comprehensive evaluation, enabling individuals to benchmark their climate competency, align with essential skills, and receive personalised recommendations for skill enhancement.

Elevate your climate governance capabilities today.

Board packages available upon request.
Write your awesome label here.

Board and Executive Climate Change Skills Competency Assessment

Unlock actionable insights into your board's climate change competencies with our Board and Executive Climate Change Skills Competency Assessment.

Pinpointing crucial gaps, the assessment offers a comprehensive report, detailing personal climate competency scores, competency alignment, and strategic impact analysis. 

Enhance your board's proficiency, promote sustainability, and contribute meaningfully to climate action – because knowledge and action go hand in hand.

You will also get access to the following:

  • Climate Transition Action Plan Checklist
  • Strategic Checklist of probing Climate Change Questions for your next Board meeting
What makes this assessment unique
  • Targeted Skill Assessment: Tailored specifically for board members and executives, our assessment hones in on the unique competencies needed for effective climate governance.

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Addressing gaps in climate literacy, strategic capabilities, governance, and data skills, this assessment takes an interdisciplinary approach to cover a broad spectrum of essential climate leadership skills.

  • Climate Leadership Framework: Our assessment benchmarks against our Climate Leadership Model Framework, providing a standardised measure for personal climate knowledge, strategic capabilities, and governance abilities.

  • ISSB Compliance: With a focus on ISSB reporting areas, the assessment ensures alignment with mandatory standards, demonstrating the board's compliance and oversight abilities in climate-related matters.

What's Included?

Personalised Competency Score

Receive a comprehensive evaluation of your climate knowledge, strategic capabilities, and governance abilities, benchmarked against the Climate Leadership Framework.

Competency Alignment Analysis

Gain insights into your strengths and development areas mapped against crucial climate leadership skills, covering systems analysis, risk evaluation, target setting, and resilience planning.

Tailored Recommendations

Receive specific recommendations to address skill gaps through education, cohort learning, simulations, and other capability-building strategies, fostering continuous improvement in climate governance skills.


"Impact Academy at Evolveable is a game-changer! As a Sustainability Manager, the practical skills I gained accelerated our initiatives. The holistic understanding and real-world application surpassed my expectations. Highly recommended!"
Sarah Thompson | Sustainability Manager
"Evolveable's team delivered beyond words. The strategic alignment sessions transformed how we integrate sustainability. The Impact Academy is the go-to for CEOs navigating the complexities of sustainable business practices."
Alex Rodriguez | Chief Executive Officer
"Our team's sustainability fluency skyrocketed after engaging with Evolveable's programs. The blend of workshops and simulations was a game-changer. The Impact Academy is a catalyst for cultural change."
Dr. Emily Chen | Head of Learning & Development
"The Impact Academy exceeded my expectations. As a student, the real-world simulations gave me a head start in applying sustainability concepts. It's a must for anyone serious about making a positive impact."
James Foster | Graduate Student
"The sustainable transition training delivered by the team at Evolveable Consulting was essentially my first foray into the world of sustainable development and assessing and adjusting a company’s performance to prioritise and meet as many as possible of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The training was a good mix between theory and practice, was delivered very professionally and the role play in the practice session allowed a deeper understanding of the supply chain, business planning and production processes and managing a business not just for profit but also for the benefit of communities and minimising impacts on the environment. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wishes to understand how sustainable development can be achieved and what the potential impacts on changing the business model on the business itself might be."
Daniela | Principal Environmental Engineer
"The sustainability business simulator was excellent, it was a jam-packed day and it was well prepared. I feel very energised considering the amount of material we processed."
Amanda – Senior Sustainability Advisor
"I highly recommend attending the Sustainability Business Transition Simulator training as it provides valuable insights on the sustainability levers that teams and decision makers can utilise to enhance business outcomes."
 Susanna Durston I Director & Lead Facilitator 

Trusted by

Board and Executive Climate Change Skills Competency Assessment follows a three-step streamlined approach 


Diagnostic Evaluation

Begin with a thorough diagnostic assessment to identify key knowledge and competency gaps related to climate change at the board and executive levels.


Tailored Competency Mapping

Utilise the assessment results to map individual competencies against essential climate leadership skills, providing a personalized overview of strengths and development areas.


Strategic Improvement Roadmap

Develop a strategic improvement roadmap based on the assessment outcomes, offering targeted recommendations and resources to enhance climate literacy, strategic capabilities, and governance skills within the board and executive team.

Frequently asked questions

Why is climate competency crucial for board members and executives?

Understanding climate science and policies is vital for translating knowledge into informed decision-making and risk mitigation. Our assessment helps identify and address knowledge gaps at the leadership level.

How does this assessment align with global reporting standards like ISSB?

Our assessment helps companies to understand the level of competency of key stakeholders making climate related decisions for the company, this translates directly to your bottom line. It provides a structured framework to demonstrate that you are performing independent assessments of competency and not just self-assessments. This ensures that board members competencies align with mandatory reporting areas, demonstrating effective governance and oversight.

Can this assessment benefit organisations outside of specific industries?

Yes, the assessment is designed for a diverse range of industries. It addresses universal climate competencies relevant to any organisation, fostering climate-resilient governance.

What actionable insights can leaders expect from the competency assessment?

Leaders receive a detailed report outlining personal competency scores, competency alignment analysis, tailored recommendations for skill enhancement and strategic improvement.

In addition, you will receive a Climate Transition Action Plan checklist, and a series of Climate questions to ask yourself and fellow Board members at your next meeting.

Board and Executive Climate Change Skills Competency Assessment

Dive into an assessment designed for board members and executives – the Board and Executive Climate Change Skills Competency Assessment. This unique tool addresses the essential but often overlooked gaps in climate literacy and strategic capabilities at the leadership level.

Developed after extensive global discussions, it sheds light on key challenges faced by boards, providing a personalised report that serves as a benchmark for personal climate knowledge, strategic capabilities, and governance abilities.
Tailored for board members and senior leaders, it offers a comprehensive evaluation, enabling individuals to benchmark their climate competency, align with essential skills, and receive personalised recommendations for skill enhancement.

Elevate your climate governance capabilities today.
Board packages available upon request.
Write your awesome label here.