Sustainable Business Transition Simulator

Discover the transformative journey of our Sustainable Business Transition Simulator: The Triple Connection.

This innovative program seamlessly blends theory with practice, providing a risk-free environment to learn how to navigate real-world sustainability challenges. Step into the simulation and take-on the role of a business leader managing the sustainable transformation of a company.

Experience the intricate connection between environmental, social, and economic factors and how to align sustainability strategies with overall business objectives.

Enrol now to gain practical skills, boost decision-making confidence and learn how to drive positive change within your organisation. 

Online Business Simulator


Immersive Webinars


Leela Dilkes-Hoffman


Can be accessed via desktop or mobile devices


4-week course


A$ 2497

What's Included:

4 x 2-hour webinars. 
Access to The Triple Connection sustainable business simulator. 

Webinar content includes: 

  Presentations on sustainability theory and the business opportunity
  Simulator introduction and orientation
  Simulator game-play
  Facilitated discussion on the key take-aways from the simulator experience
  Facilitated discussion on transferring the knowledge gained into the real actions 

Sustainable Business Transition Simulator

In this immersive experience, you'll learn to navigate the complexities of sustainable decision-making within a dynamic business simulation. The hands-on-expertise, skills, insights and confidence you gain through this experience will equip you to translate theoretical sustainability concepts into actionable strategies for your real-world organisation. 

Our research shows the ROI can be considerable. A recent study found that using simulation-based training for sustainability capability building delivered around 450% ROI on average (Smith, 2021).
By the end of this journey, you will:
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Hone your skills in strategic decision-making, considering both short-term and long-term implications for the sustainability performance of the virtual business. 
  • Balancing trade-offs: Gain practical mastery of balancing environmental sustainability, social responsibility and economic viability by designing and implementing a sustainability strategy within a simulated business environment. 
  • Internal and External Collaboration: Learn to effectively collaborate both within your organisation as well as with a diverse range of stakeholders to build cross-functional alignment and achieve your business’ sustainability strategy. 
  • Systems thinking and complexity: Understand the importance of systems thinking and be comfortable applying systems thinking to design solutions to complex problems.

Our Unique Approach

Experience an innovative blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on application through our sophisticated business simulator. Unlike traditional approaches, our unique method immerses you in real-world sustainability challenges, providing a risk-free platform to refine your decision-making skills and master sustainable business strategies.

Simulated Real-World Challenges

Immerse yourself in a simulated business environment, facing real-world sustainability challenges that mirror the complexities of the current business landscape.

Hands-On Decision Mastery

Move beyond theory with practical application, refining your decision-making skills in a risk-free setting. Our approach ensures you gain confidence in making strategic choices with direct impact.

Triple Connection Integration

Our unique method emphasizes understanding and optimizing the triple connection between environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability, offering a holistic approach to sustainable decision-making.
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"Impact Academy at Evolveable is a game-changer! As a Sustainability Manager, the practical skills I gained accelerated our initiatives. The holistic understanding and real-world application surpassed my expectations. Highly recommended!"
Sarah Thompson | Sustainability Manager
"Evolveable's team delivered beyond words. The strategic alignment sessions transformed how we integrate sustainability. The Impact Academy is the go-to for CEOs navigating the complexities of sustainable business practices."
Alex Rodriguez | Chief Executive Officer
"Our team's sustainability fluency skyrocketed after engaging with Evolveable's programs. The blend of workshops and simulations was a game-changer. The Impact Academy is a catalyst for cultural change."
Dr. Emily Chen | Head of Learning & Development
"The Impact Academy exceeded my expectations. As a student, the real-world simulations gave me a head start in applying sustainability concepts. It's a must for anyone serious about making a positive impact."
James Foster | Graduate Student
"The sustainable transition training delivered by the team at Evolveable Consulting was essentially my first foray into the world of sustainable development and assessing and adjusting a company’s performance to prioritise and meet as many as possible of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The training was a good mix between theory and practice, was delivered very professionally and the role play in the practice session allowed a deeper understanding of the supply chain, business planning and production processes and managing a business not just for profit but also for the benefit of communities and minimising impacts on the environment. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wishes to understand how sustainable development can be achieved and what the potential impacts on changing the business model on the business itself might be."
Daniela | Principal Environmental Engineer
"The sustainability business simulator was excellent, it was a jam-packed day and it was well prepared. I feel very energised considering the amount of material we processed."
Amanda – Senior Sustainability Advisor
"I highly recommend attending the Sustainability Business Transition Simulator training as it provides valuable insights on the sustainability levers that teams and decision makers can utilise to enhance business outcomes."
 Susanna Durston I Director & Lead Facilitator 

The sustainable business transition simulator follows a three-step streamlined approach 


Strategic Foundation Building

Lay a robust strategic foundation by understanding the interconnected dimensions of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability, forming the basis for informed decision-making.


Dynamic Decision Simulations

Engage in dynamic decision simulations that mirror real-world challenges, allowing you to experiment with various sustainable strategies in a risk-free environment, experience consequences and learn from outcomes, and develop the skills needed for effective decision-making. 


Real-World Translation

Take the skills and knowledge you’ve gained through engaging with the simulator and translate this into a meaningful strategy for your organisation. 

Frequently asked questions

What is the primary focus of the Sustainability Business Transition Simulator?

The simulator focuses on providing a hands-on experience in navigating sustainable business challenges. Participants engage in decision-making within a simulated environment, honing their skills in balancing environmental, social, and economic considerations.

How does the simulator address uncertainties in sustainable decision-making?

The simulator is designed to expose participants to decision-making under uncertainty, a common challenge in sustainability. By providing a risk-free space to experiment with different strategies and assess outcomes, it equips participants to make informed decisions in the face of uncertainties.

Can the experience gained in the simulator be directly applied to real-world business scenarios?

Absolutely. The simulator mirrors real-world complexities, ensuring that the skills developed, including strategic decision-making, stakeholder engagement, and risk management, are directly transferable and applicable to real business challenges.

Is this simulator suitable for individuals with varying levels of sustainability knowledge?

Yes, the simulator caters to a diverse audience. Whether you are new to sustainability or an experienced professional, the progressive design accommodates different skill levels, providing a valuable learning experience for all participants.

Sustainable Business Transition Simulator

Discover the transformative journey of our Sustainable Business Transition Simulator: The Triple Connection. This innovative program seamlessly blends theory with practice, providing a risk-free environment to learn how to navigate real-world sustainability challenges. Step into the simulation and take-on the role of a business leader managing the sustainable transformation of a company. Experience the intricate connection between environmental, social, and economic factors and how to align sustainability strategies with overall business objectives. Enrol now to gain practical skills, boost decision-making confidence and learn how to drive positive change within your organisation. 

Online Business Simulator


Immersive Webinars


Leela Dilkes-Hoffman


Can be accessed via desktop or mobile devices


4-week course


A$ 2497